Window One:
As we begin our tour of the nine windows, at the front of the Sanctuary on Ida Street side, we come to the Creation Window. One can detect the six days of Creation in the upper part of the window. On day one God created the light (Genesis 1:3); this is represented by the contrasting light and dark colors in the lower left section of the upper part. To the right is day two, the sky and water (1:6); directly above is day three, land and vegetation (1:9_11). To its left is day four, when God created the sun, moon and planets (1:14); directly above is day five, where one can detect bird like shapes (1:21). On the sixth day, God created humankind; this panel, located in the upper right hand corner shows a blonde haired woman and a brown haired man. Tying the window together is the tree of life, in whose branches are the six days of creation. Also visible is the tip of a triangle pointing down: God's entering into time and space on our behalf. This triangular device is found in a number of the windows.